
Розробки уроків

"Welcome to Ukraine"

Objectives:     -    to teach pupils to work in pairs, groups;
-        to teach pupils to find additional information on the topic;
-        to practice speaking; vocabulary;
-        to develop pupils language skills;
-        to practice listening, speaking, reading on the topic;
-        to deepen pupils’ knowledge about Ukraine;
-        to develop pupils attention, memory and initiative;
-        to sum up the material about Ukraine
Equipment:      a screen;
-        a computer;
-        presentation;
-        handouts with the tasks
-         map of Ukraine.
I.     Greetings.
T: Good morningchildren! I am glad to see you.
How are you today?
P: (We are fine, thank you.)
T: Sit down, please.
            T:  - Who is on duty today?
            P:  - I am.
            T:  - Who is absent today?
             P:  - … is absent today.
            T: - Why is he/she absent today?
            P: - I do not know exactly but I think he/she is ill.

T: The motto of our today’s lesson is (slide 2)

II. Introduction.
      T: Today  we  have  an  unusual  lesson. Pupils, today at the lesson we’ll have to do a lot of activities.  We  are  going  to  prepare  for  our travelling about …. But what country we’ll travel you must tell me. You must open the word at the blackboard. I’ll help you. (slide 3)

U – we use it when it rains (umbrella)
– the capital of our country (Kyiv)
– the colour of double-decker busses in London (red)
– it is the 1st letter of the English alphabet (a)
– part of the land (island)
– it is a negative word (no)
– it is the biggest animal (elephant)
So, what country is it?
  - It’s Ukraine.
T: Yes, it’s Ukraine(slide 4) 

At our lesson we’ll speak about Ukraine. Try to do your best! We’ll  go  by  bus. But  first  of  all  we  need  tickets. You  shouldn’t  pay  money  for  these  tickets. You  should  answer  my  question  to  get  a  ticket. Lets  start.
III.         Warming- up
T: What is Ukraine associated with? (slide 5)

 (slide 6)
III.          Vocabulary
       Т:  You  have  got  the  tickets.

So, we need suitcases with necessary things. (slide 7) Look  at  these  words:  a  camera, a  passport, a  ticket, a  towel, a  book, a  radio, a  suitcase, warm  clothes, an  umbrella, a  basket, a  tent, a  map, money, a  telephone, a  cup, a  pet, a  ball, a  table, a  pen, a  chair, a  box, a  lamp, a  carpet, a  toy, a  rabbit.
     Some  of  them  are  necessary. Some  of  them  are  sometimes  necessary. And  some  of  them  are  not  necessary.
       Work  in  groups
1) Find  and  choose  necessary  things.
2) Find  and  choose  sometimes  necessary  things.
3) Find  and  choose  not  necessary  things.
T:  Don’t  forget  about  necessary  things, when  you  prepare  your  suitcase  for  the  journey.
V.  Speaking
        T:  Let’s  remember  some  information  about  Ukraine. (slides 8-15)
             (Pupils speak about Ukraine in turn)
          Ukraine  is  a  sovereign  state. It  has  it’s  own  territory, government, national  emblem, anthem  and  state  flag.   The National Flag of Ukraine is blue and yellow. The blue colour stands for the clear blue sky and the yellow colour stands for the golden wheat field. The Ukrainian Anthem is the song by Pavlo Chubynsky and Mykhailo Verbytsky. (Гімн)
           Ukraine  is  situated  in  the  centre  of  Europe. The  population  is  more  than  39  million. The territory of Ukraine is 603,628 km2. The  main  river  is  the Dnipro.
Ukraine was a part of Kyiv Rus, an ancient state.
           Kyiv is  the  capital  of  Ukraine. It is very beautiful. The  main  street  of  the  capital  is  Khreshchatyk. The national language is Ukrainian, the people are Ukrainians. They are talented, friendly and hardworking. The Ukrainians live in small towns and big cities, in the villages. They are proud of their country.
VI.  Work in pairs (slides 16, 17)
     Т  You  can  see  the  scrambled  questions. Put  the  words  in  the  logical  order  to  make  up  the  questions  and  answer  them. (Дано  5  речень  з  розкиданих  слів. Потрібно  правильно  побудувати  питання  та  дати  на  нього  відповідь.)
1)     Is/main/what/the/national/holiday/Ukraine/in? 
  -  What  is  the  main  national  holiday  in  Ukraine?    (Independence  Day)
2)      The/what/official/is/in/country/our/state/language? 
  -  What  is  the  official  state  language  in  our  country?    (Ukrainian)
3)    Population/Ukraine/of/the/is/what?  
 -  What  is  the  population  of  Ukraine?    (more  than  38  million.)
4)      Ukraine/river/is/the/main/what/in? 
  -  What  is  the  main  river  in  Ukraine?    (the Dnipro)
5)    Situated/where/Ukraine/is? 
  -  Where  is  Ukraine  situated?    (in  the  centre  of  Europe)
Game «Microphone»
(One pupil asks questionsThe other pupils answer and correct the mistakes)
VII.   Rest
VIII.   Speaking (slides 18-27)

Т:    -  What  is  the  capital  of  Ukraine?
-         Is  Kyiv  your  native  town?
-        Have  you  ever  been  to  Kyiv?
-        Where  is  Kyiv  situated?
-        Is  it  a  new  or  an  old  city?
-        Is  it  beautiful?
-        Who  was  the  founder  of  Kyiv?
-        What  places  of  interest  in  Kyiv  do  you  know?
-        What  places  of  interest  can  you  see  in  these  pictures?
2)  Work  in  groups.
     T:  What  do  you  know  about  the  sights  of  Kyiv?  Read  the  descriptions  and  name  the  sights.
A)  It  is  the  main  and  the  most  beautiful  street  in  the  city. A lot  of  chestnut  trees  grow  along  this  street. These  trees  are  the  symbol  of  the  city. (slide 28)

B) It’s  a  big  monastery  with  many  ancient  churches  and  museums. It  is  famous  for  its  underground  caves. Thousands  of  Christians  from  different  countries  of  the  world  come  to  visit  it  every  year. (slide 29)

C)  It  is  one  of  the  oldest  universities  in  Kyiv. (slide 30)

3)    Work  in  pairs:
       T:  Put  the  phrases  of  the  dialogue  in  the  logical  order. Make  up  the  dialogue  and  act  it  out.
-         What  country  are  you  from?
-        What  is  the  capital  of  your  country?
-        Is  Ukraine  an  independent  country?
-        Are  there  any  national  symbols  in  our  country?
-        Do  you  live  in  Kyiv?
A)        Yes, it  became  independent  in  1991.
B)        I’m  from  Ukraine.
C)        Our  national  symbols  are the  state  flag, the  state  emblem  and  the  state  anthem.
D)        No, I  live  in  Shostka.
E)         The  capital  of  our  country  is  Kyiv, an  ancient  and  beautiful  city.
IX.  Writing
    Т:  True/False (slide 31)
         Listen  to  my  statements  and  put  true  or  false. If  the  sentence  is  false, correct  it.
-        Kyiv  is  situated  on  the    banks  of  the  river  Dniprо.  (T)
-        Ukraine is situated in the centre of Asia. (F)
-        The  symbol of  Kyiv  is Chestnut  tree.  (T)
-        The  population  of  Ukraine  is  52  million.  (F)
-        The  people  of  Ukraine  are  proud  of  their  capital.  (T)
-        The  main  river  of  Ukraine  is  the  Dniester.  (F)
-        Ukraine  is  washed  by  the  Irish  Sea.  (F)
-        Khreshchatyk  is  the  main  street in Kyiv.  (T)
-        Our  country  is  a  nice  place  to  live  and  to  travel  in.  (T)
X.  Hometask. (slide 32)
       Project  work.  Make  a  poster  about  Ukraine.
XI.  Summary
      Т:  We’ve  done  lots  of  work  today. 
-        Was  it  interesting  for  you  to  talk  about  Ukraine?
-        What  part  of  the  lesson  did  you  like  more?
-        How  do  you  think, are  you  ready  for  your  travelling?
-        Why  do  you  think  so?
T:  And now let’s  do  this  crossword. (slide 33)

      The  key  word:    UKRAINE
T:  And  now  your  marks  ….
T:  Thank you, everybody.  Good-bye! (slide 34)


Мета: продовжувати формувати фонетичні та лексичні навички, розвивати мовну здогадку,вдосконалювати мовленнєві компетенції  та навички аудіювання, розвивати пізнавальні інтереси учнів,прищеплювати зацікавлення літературою письменників Англії,США,виховувати поважне ставлення до читацьких нахилів однокласників.
Обладнання: портрети американських та англійських письменників, роздатковий матеріал,виставка літератури,комп’ютер,проектор.
Форма проведення: змагання між групами
Хід уроку
1.Організаційний момент
T: Good morning children. I`m glad to see you.
T: Good morning teacher, we are glad to see you too.
T: Dear children, welcome to our lesson. Our lesson is devoted to English and American writers and their literature.
T: They say: «The more you read, the more you know»  is the motto of our lesson.
 And now read the riddle and say what it is about.

I am a ship to lands of treasure,
I am a key to wisdom's pleasure.
I will always lead you on an upward streak
I have so much to tell you but cannot speak
If you can guess who might I be...
I will tell you all about the mysterious sea!
Who am I???.
Ps: It is a book. (Команда, яка відгадала слово, починає гру.)
T: At our lesson you will speak about books and writers, meet your favourite  characters, solve some riddles, do some interesting  tasks, revise grammar.
Round one
T: Look at the portraits of the writers and name them please.


Round  two
T: I have prepared you another task. Match the words with their definitions.
(Слова розрізані та перемішані)
Stories, novels, poems, plays in the book

A place where the books for borrowing are kept

A person who writes books

A written account of events and
 people, either imagined or real
A story about the life in the
 future often describing space travel and life on other planets
Science fiction
A story which describes some crime events

A story which describes some
 events in history
Detective story
People described in a story or novel


Round three
T: Unscramble the quotations, read and translate them:
                                                             (Chinese proverb)
                                                                                            (Paxton Hood)  
                                                                                  (Sir Richard Steel)
                                                                                     (Lemony Snicket)
                                                                                          (W. L. Phelps)
Toreadabookforthefirsttimeistomakeacquaintancewithanewfriend;toreaditforasecondtimeistomeetanoldone.                                                         (Chinese Saying)

Round four
T: Match parts of the proverbs:
Choose the author

but buy a new book
Don’t judge a

should be a few but less
A room without books

be a poet of a village
There is no friends so

is a body without soul
Like author

little, write less
Books like friends

as you choose friends
It is not good to

like book
Think much, say
faithful as a good friend

Wear old clothes
book by its cover

Round five.
T: Do you ever borrow books from the library? What kinds of books do you usually take?
T:  Now we are going to speak about the library. Brush up everything that you have ever seen there. Arrange the words in two columns:


Fiction, documents, shelves, reading card, prints, history novels, librarian, adventure stories, library rules, library stock, science fiction,,newspapers, biographies, characters, periodicals, author, CD-s,  writer, fairy-tales, poems, maps, fables,  novelist, essay, fantastic,,non-fiction,part,  title, story, setting, cover,archives, books, romance, publisher,.plot, script, an ending, legend, plays, genre, detective story, ballad, pattern, bookcase, manuscripts, films.  
Round six.
T: When you are in the library, you should keep the rules how to behave yourself there, how to use book. As you have guessed the task is about the rules you have to keep in the library.
T: Put the words in right order to read the rules. Say what librarian says to the young readers.
the readers rules for.   
1.              hands a before wash book
2.              pages a or anything on pen not pencil do with write the a
3.              drawings not make in do the book
4.              it you do that friends not lose means books the lose your
5.              ears the do dog’s in make book not
6.              not tear pages the do
7.              Put the words in right order to read the rules:
PThe librarian tells
( Бал команді зараховується за правильну відповідь)
Round seven.
T: Say  who are the authors of the books using Past Simple Passive
Treasure Island

Walter Scott
Adventures of Tom Sawyer

R. L.Stevenson
Jane Eyre

Alan Milne
Adventures of Robinson Crusoe

Pamela Travers

W. Shakespeare
The last Leaf

English ballads

Charles Dickens

Harry Potter

Lewis Carrol
Alice in Wonderland

Daniel Defoe

Mary Poppins

Charlotte Bronte
Robin Hood

Rudyard Kipling
Oliver Twist

Romeo and Juliet

Mark Twain

Round eight.
T: Guess and say what books they are from.
He is brave and strong, clever and honest, fond of nature, not afraid of wild animals, ready to save his animal friends.(Mowgli)
She is strict and kind, fond of children, clever and full of wonderful ideas, can do magic things, can make children happy.(Mary Poppins)
This boy is lazy and naughty, dirty and untidy, does not want go to school, wants to play all day long, likes to boast, silly but kind.(Pinocchio)
The girl is beautiful and clever, tidy and clean, kind and hard-working, ready to help other people. ( Cinderella)
This boy is lively and brave, naughty and lazy. He is a true friend . He is full of ideas and fond of adventures.(Tom Sawyer)
Round nine.
T: Find the best translation of the words.
1 Love stories

b) книги про мандрівку
2 Historical novel

c) детективні оповідання
3 Travel books

d) наукова фантастика
4 Detective stories

e) історичні романи
5 Science fiction

f) любовні історії
6 Novels of everyday life

g) романи про повсякденне життя
7 Psychological drama

h) пригодницькі оповідання
8 Adventure stories

a) психологічна драма
Round ten.
T: There are three stories about Mark Twain. The stories are divided into stripes. Put them into the right order to get a story.
(Тексти розрізані на стрічки та перемішані)
1)             Strip story 1
Mark Twain, a famous American writer, liked to travel very much.
Once he was travelling in France.
He was going by train to one little town.
That day Mark Twain was very tired and wanted to sleep.
He asked conductor to wake him when the train  go to that town.
He said, “I am a heavy sleeper and I’ll probably protest loudly when you try to wake me up.
Don’t listen to me, just put me off the train”.
Then Mark Twain went to sleep.
When he woke up it was night.
The train was in Paris already.
Mark Twain understood that the conductor had forgotten to wake him up.
He got very angry.
 “I have never been so angry in my life” he said to the conductor.
The looked at him and said, ”You are not as angry as the passenger whom I put off the train instead of you three hours ago”
2)             Strip story 2
One day Mark Twain arrived at a railway station near New York.
He wished to take the sleeper train.
There were crowds of people on the platform and the long sleeper was full.
Mark Twain asked the young man in the box-office if he could have two tickets.
 “No” the young man answered and shut the window.
Mark Twain found a local official and asked him for a ticket.
 “No” came the answer.
Mark Twain got so angry after that answer, he said to his companion, “they talk to me like this because they didn’t know who I am”.
If they knew…
 “Do you think it would help you? His companion said.
That mas too much.
Mark Twain found the same local official and told him what his name was.
But the official turned his back
Just at that moment a young porter of a sleeping car looked at Mark Twain.
3)             Strip story 3
Mark Twain the American writer came to a small town to give a lecture on literature.
Before dinner he went for a walk and then went to a shop to buy something.
When the shop-girl saw him, she thought that he was a man from another place, not from their town.
 “Are you a stranger?” asked a shop- girl.
 “Yes”, Mark Twain answered.
 “This is the first time I’ve been here.
I like this town very much.
I’ve already seen some interesting things”.
You choose a good time to come”, the shop-girl said.
 “Mark Twain is going to give a lecture.
He writes books and gives lectures, you know.
So many people like listen to him.
Will you go to his lecture today?”
 “Oh, I hope so”.
 “Have you bought your ticket?”
 “Not yet, I always have to stand when that man lectures”.
Round eleven.
T: And now you have to recite the  poems that you have prepared for today.
Round twelve.
T:. The captain of each team has to tell about the writers according to their biography.
Born: 29 November 1898 in Belfast, Ireland.
Died: 22 November 1963 (aged 64) in Oxford, England.
Occupation: novelist, scholar, broadcaster.
Genres: fantasy, science fiction, children's literature.
Notable works: The Chronicles of Narnia, The Space Trilogy, The Allegory of Love, Till We Have Faces.

 Born: 30 December 1865 in Bombay, India.
Died: 18 January 1936 (aged 70) in London, England.
Occupation: short story writer, novelist, poet, journalist.
Genres: short story, novel, children's literature, poetry, travel literature, science fiction.
Best known works: The Jungle Book, Just So Stories, Kim.
Awards: Nobel Prize in Literature in 1907.
Conclusion (winner, score)
T: Jury, what are the results of the game?
   Thank you for the participation in the game.
1. Англійська мова 8 клас О. Карп’юк.
2. Зошит для контрольних робіт 8 клас.

3. Your Guide in English 8 form

   Конспект уроку з елементами рольової гри 
на тему"Travelling to London" (8 клас)
    Lesson plan
The aim – to consolidate and revise pupils' knowledge on the topic "Travelling to London", to develop pupil's skills in monological and dialogical speech to enrich their vocabulary.
Visual aids – the pictures,test cards,tape recorder.

      Usual preliminaries
        T: Good morning! I am glad to see you!
     How are you?
P:Thank you. We are fine. And how are you?
T:We are fine too.
T:Now,I would like to know who is on duty today?
P: ..........are you on duty today?
P:No,I am not on duty today.
T:Don't you know who is on duty today?
P:If i am not mistaken ................. is on duty today?
T:Why do you think so?
P:Because .......... was on duty yesterday that's why .......... is on duty today.
T:So .......... are you on duty?
P:Yes, you are right .................................. . I am on duty today.
T:And tell me who is absent today.
P: ................. is absent today.ea
T:Who knows why ................... isn't at school?
P¹:I don't know but I think that he is ill.
P²:I don't agree with you,he is not ill,because I saw him yesterday at the club.
P³:Yes,you are right.He is not ill,he is not at school because he is not ready for the lesson.
T:Do you think is classroom ready for the lesson?
P:I think so,because the blackboard is clean.All pupils are at the desks.
T:But you are mistaken,there is no chalk on the blackboard,there is a shirt of paper on the floor.
T:I see you are in a nice mood today,the day is very bright.I like today's weather because such a weather is good for travelling.
And do you like today's weather?
P¹:The weather is fine.It is not raining today.The sun is shinning.
P²:The wind is no blowing.The sky is blue.
T:And do you remember the rhyme.Please,help me.
Whether the weather be fine
Oh whether the weather be not
Whether the weather be cold
Oh whether the weather be not
Well weather the weather
Whatever the weather
Whether we like it or not.
       Comprehension & listening
T:Now I want you to listen to the story on the tape.It is about the Smith family and how they are planning their trip.
Listen to the text attentively.
Look at the cards,read the sentences and complete it.
Start reading.

Planning a trip
The Smiths have decided to visit their aunt Emily who lives in Liverpool during their summer holidays.Now they are discussing how to get there.I think we can go there by train,says Mr. Smith.When we go by train we'll have speed and comfort.We can see a lot of things from a train window,can't we ?
In summer Alison doesn't like to travel by train.It is hot on a train.
For me,she says there is nothing like travelling by plane.
It's the fastest  way of travelling.We can have an enjoyable time in comfortable armchairs.
We can read or sllep during the journey.But planes don't fly in bad weather, says Mike.
And besides it is very expensive to travel by plane.
Let's go to Liverpool by ship. But Mrs Smith doesn't like the idea.
We'll go to Liverpool by car.It will be a cheap and comfortable journey.
T:Thank you very much.You have cope with the task very nice.
 The consolidation of the previously learnt material
T:We can't imagine our life without travelling.People often get tired of dailly routine,they need changes and some relaxation.Let's revise all the material on the topic "Travelling".
1.What is the fastest way of travelling?
2.What are the advanteges
and disadvanteges of travelling?
3.Why do people preter to travel by ship?
T:What does it mean to travel?
P:To go from place to place.
T:What is Ukrainian word for travelling?
T:What synonyms to the word travelling do you know?
P:A journey.
P:A voyage
P:A trip,a buisness trip.
P:A tour,a sightseeing tour.
T:What means of travelling do you know?
P:Travelling by plane.
P:Travelling by car.
P:Travelling by train.
P:Travelling by ship.
P:Travelling by bus.
T:But if you want to travel to Britain what do think what will be the fastest way of getting to Britain?
P:I think that the fastest way of travelling to Britain is by air.One of the biggest airports in Britain is Heathrow.It is London main airport.It was opened in 1929.Over 44 mln. people pass through Heathrow each year and 1000 airplanes a day land and take off there.
T:What are the advanteges and disadvanteges of travelling by plane?
P:I think,that travelling by plane is the quickest and fastest way of travelling.In a few hours you can get to far away places,you can sit,read,sleep,eat.As for advanteges they are.It depends on weather,petrol,time table and it is expensive.
T:Who can suggest another way of travelling?
P:The British Isles are surranded by water and one can reach the country by sea on a ship.There are more than 10 main ports in Britain.London is one of the most important of them.Sea passengers can use different kinds of ships.
T:Prove that the most interesting way of travelling is by ship?
P:Travelling by ship is the most interesting way of travelling because you can enjoy the views of the sea,nature;you can see many places and things.It is pleasent,comfortable.You can communicate with your neigbour.
T:Is travelling by train a very popular and favourite form of travel in Britain?
P:Railway travel in Britain is a very popular and favourite form of travel.For about 2 mln. British people railway is a hoby.Railway travel is expensive.Travelling by train is rather quick,than comfortable.You can enjoy the views of nature,communicate with your neigbours,read,sleep,look out  of the window,see interesting places and things.But its disadvanteges are:its need time-table,petrol or electricity.
T:Tell me please why do people prefer to travel by car?
P:On my opinion people prefer to travel by car because they can make their own time-table,stop wherever they wish.
T:Hiking is also a travelling isn't it?
P:A long walk in the country is very interesting.Such a walk is called a hike.A hike is a walk for pleasure in open country.Hiking is nice because you needn't think about tickets or other things.
T:Thank you very much for your answers.We have revised all the material on the topic "Travelling".
      The development of skills in monologic speech
T:Now look at the blackboard.You can see the Route here:
Ustya-Mykolayiv-Lviv-Varshava-France-London  and you have the pictures with different methods of transport.
Tell me how will you travel to London by this route?
P¹:I'll take the Fixed-Route bus and go to Mykolayiv.Mykolayiv is not far from Ustya.I shall come to Mykolayiv in 15 minutes.
P²:I'll take the car and go to Lviv.I shall come to Lviv in 40 minutes.
P³:I shall go to railway station and I shall take a train to Varshava.I shall travel by train to Varshava 6 hours.
P:From Varshava to France I shall travel by plane.It is convinient and quickly.I shall be in France in 4 hours.
P:From France to London I shall travel by ship.It is pleasent,comfortable.I shall be in London in 2 days.
 Home task and check
T:At home you were to prepare a short story about the most interesting places of London which would you like to visit.Say what do you know about London?
P:The capital of Great Britain is London.It is situated on the river Thames.It is one of the largest cities in the world.
8 mln. people live there.London is more than 2000 years old.
T:On the table you have the pictures with different places of London,take the picture and tell a short story about it.
What places of interest would you like to visit in London?
P¹:I think we'll start from Buckingem Palace.(picture).
It is the London home of the queen.When the flag is flying on the top of it,she is at home.At 11.30 you can see the Guard Changes.
T:Who wants to add something?
P²:Buckingam Palace is a family home;it's also the place where presidents,kings and politicians come to meet there.Buckingam Palace is like a small town with a police station,two post offices,a bar,two sports clubs,a disco,a cinema and a swimming pool.There are 600 rooms and 3 miles of red carpet.About 700 people work in the house.
P:I would like to visit The Tower of London.(picture).
This is the Tower of London.It was a fortress,a royal palace and later a prison.The Tower of London was built by William the Conqueror 9 hundred years ago.The Tower is guarded by Yeomen-Warders,the famouse Beefeaters,dressed up in traditional medeval clothes.The White Tower contains a fine collection of arms.It is museum now.
P:I would like to visit Trafalgar Square.(picture).
On the column in the center there is a Statue to Admiral Nelson ,who defeated the French at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805.Nelson is guarded by four stone lions .There are two beautiful fontains in the square.There are many pigeons in the square and Londoners like to feed them.
(I think there are a lot of famous sights in London: Big Ben,Westmi).
P:I would like to visit Westminister Abbey.(picture).
It is a royal church.Here you can see tombs of many British kings and queens and other famous people. Many of the gratest writers and poets are burried in the Poets Corner:Charles Dickens,Thomas Hardy,Ryduard Kipling,Longfellow,G.Byron,W.Scott,R.Burns
T:What is it?
P:This is the flag of Great Britain.British people call it "The Union Jack".It is red, white and blue.(picture).
T:Thank you very much.I see you have coped with your hometask very well.Now I want you to see how well do you know London.Look at these pictures and say what are the names of the places.
       Dialogic speech
T:Imagine such a situation,you are going to travel by train and you need to buy tickets.Let's act out a situation "At the booking office".
What kinds of tickets can we buy?
P¹:A single ticket.
P²:A return ticket.
P³:A round trip ticket.
Think a lit of bit.Now act out your dialogues please.
P¹:Please,two tickets to London.One single and one return.
P²:Here you are,miss.And here is the change.
P³:Thank you.
P¹:I want two tickets to London.
P²:What class?
P²:Here you are.
P¹:Thank you very much.
P¹:Excuse me.
P²:Yes.Can I help you?
P¹:I'd like some information about trains,please.
P²:Where to?
P¹:To London.
P²:Morning or aftenoon?
P¹:In the evening.About six o'clock.
P²:There is one at 6.40.
P¹:Thank you.
 Written work
Choose the words from the box and complete the article from a tour guide.
a)red                 c)England             e)city              g)black
b)parks             d)capital           f)underground    h)cathedrals
London is in the south-east of _________________(1).
It's almost 2,000 years old.London is a big ________(2). on the River Thames.It's the ___________ (3)of England.
8 million people live in London.The taxis are _________(4)there.
The buses are _________(5).The________ is called the "tube".
London is a very green city.There are five big __________(7):
Hyde Park,Regent's Park,Kensington Garden,St.James Park and Green Park.
There are two big ______________:St.Pauls Cathedral and Westminster Abbey.
  Evaluating pupils progress
T:Thank you very much.You work very hard today.I like your answering very much.Andriy was very active today.I'll give you 11.Ulia – mind the tenses,please 10.Uliana,practice vocabulary – 9.
          Setting the home task
For the next lesson you are to revise all the lexical units and get ready for the home reading.

Тема: Подорож навколо світу. (6 клас)
The motto of the lesson is : «East or West – home is best».
Мета: Повторити й активізувати лексику теми .
            Поглиблювати знання учнів про світ.
            Повторити граматичний матеріал : ступені порівняння прикметників.
            Розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення .
            Продовжувати удосконалювати техніку читання.
            Сприяти розвиткові пам’яті та мовної здогадки.
            Виховувати пізнавальний інтерес до навколишнього світу.
Обладнання: підручник , зошит, словник,кросворд і таблиці.

Очікувані результати: учні знатимуть чому люди подорожують і яким видом транспорту ?;вмітимуть складати різні запитання і використовуватимуть ступені  порівняння прикметників,користуватимуться картою.
                                         Хід уроку
1)    Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення
      T: Good Morning!I am glad to see you!
     How are you?
P:Thank you.We are fine.And how are you?
T:We are fine too.
T:Now,I would like to know who is on duty today?
P: ..........are you on duty today?
P:No,I am not on duty today.
T:Don't you know who is on duty today?
P:If i am not mistaken ................. is on duty today?
T:Why do you think so?
P:Because .......... was on duty yesterday that's why .......... is on duty today.
T:So .......... are you on duty?
P:Yes, you are right .................................. . I am on duty today.
T:And tell me who is absent today.
P: ................. is absent today.
T:Who knows why ................... isn't at school?
P¹:I don't know but I think that he is ill.
P²:I don't agree with you,he is not ill,because I saw him yesterday at the club.
      P³:Yes,you are right.He is not ill,he is not at school because he is not ready for the                                               .     lesson.
T:Do you think is classroom ready for the lesson?
      P:I think so,because the blackboard is clean.All pupils are at the desks. They are ready for the lesson.
T: Thank you very much. I am glad that all the pupils are ready for the lesson.
Aim: 2 Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T: During our lesson today we”ll  continue speaking about  our world.  We’ll read the quiz  “Who knows geography the best?” and will make up our own quiz.
Warming up: 3 Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.
T: I see you are in a nice mood ,  the day is very bright today. I like today’s weather because such a weather is good for our lesson. We shall speak about travelling. Modern life is impossible without travelling. Why do people travel?
They travel :
Ps: for pleasure
    On business
    To learn new things
    To study geography
    To meet new people
    To learn about different countries
    To visit relatives
    To learn the language
To learn the traditions of other countries
To rest
To earn money
T: How do they travel?
Ps: They travel : 
·       By bus                           * on foot
·       By train                          * by car
·       By plane                         * by fixed- route buses
·       By ship                           * on a balloon
T: Thank you very much and now let’s repeat the poem “Trains”.
Ps: Over the mountains
      Over the plains
      Over the rivers
      Here come the trains
                                                      Carrying the passengers
                                                       Carrying mail
                                                       Bringing their loads
                                                       Without fail
             Over the mountains
             Over the plains
             Over the rivers
             Here come the trains.
T: Thank you my dears you have repeated the poem very nice. And now let’s solve the crossword.
I’ve got an e-mail letter from my friends. But something is wrong with the computer and I can’t read it . Some words are missing. Can you help me?
1)    It goes from and to the railway station.
2)    You take pictures with it.
3)    Not dangerous.
4)    A  sea trip.
5)    A person who goes by train, by car or by bus.
6)    The fastest mean of transport.
T: Thank you very much , you have coped with the task very well.
Check on homework
T: What was your hometask?
P: Our hometask  was to write an Ex 1 on p.56 and make up a quiz.
T: So let’s read the exercise.
Fill  in with the words some, the , a, more, where necessary.
Tom and Sue need _______  information for their wall newspaper. They have looked in ____ school library but they need ____ information. There are _____ maps and _____ atlases about ______ whole world but they need ______ information about particular countries. Tom wants to do something about _______ Japan. He knows there are ______  famous  volcanoes in _____  Japan and he wants to find out ______. They decide to write _____ letters to ______ Japanese Information Center. ____ week later they get reply from _____ Mr  Sato , ______  Information Officer.
T: Children , please , open your books on page 92 and start reading Ex1 and 2. Before reading let’s answer the questions :
           Have you ever taken part in quizzes?
            Do you want to do it again?
T: Let’s read your quizzes.
P1: What the longest river in the world is?
a)    The Mississippi
b)   The Amazon
c)    The Nile
           P2: What is the biggest ocean in the world?
               a)The Pacific
               b) The Atlantic
               c) The Indian
          P3: What is the coldest ocean in the world?
a)    The Atlantic
b)   The Artic
c)    The Pacific
P4:What is the highest mountain in the world?
a)    Mont Blanc
b)   Elbrus
c)    Everest
P5: What is the largest continent in the world?
  a) Europe
b) Africa
c) North America
P6: What is the capital of Italy?
a)    Madrid
b)   Cairo
c)    Rome
P7: How many are continents?
a)    Five
b)   Four
c)    Six
           P8: Where is the statue of Liberty?
a)    In Washington
b)   In  New York
c)    In London
           P9: What is the capital of Great Britain?
a)    London
b)   Canada
c)    Ottawa
           P10: Where is the Eiffel Tower?
a)    In London
b)    In Paris
c)      In New York
T: People often talk about travelling. We shall do the same. Let’s discuss some questions in groups.
1)    Why do people travel?
2)    What is the fastest way of travelling?
3)    What is the slowest way of travelling?
4)    What is the most comfortable way of travelling?
5)    What is the most expensive way of travelling?
6)    What is the cheapest way of travelling?
7)    Have you ever travelled?
8)    Where did you go?
9)    Did you travel by ship ( by plane, by train)?
10)                     Have you enjoyed it.?
T: If you go on a trip you should buy your tickets, please look at the blackboard and read the dialogue and make your own dialogue using the table.
A: When is the train to Liverpool, please?
B: 3.15. madam.
A: Which platform?
B: Platform seven.
A: How much is the ticket?
B: Single or return?
A: Return , please.
B: That’s will be 14 pounds.
A: Here you are.
B: Thank you , madam.
A: Thank you.




Fare (single, return)




12 pounds
7   pounds
12 pounds
10 pounds
8   pounds

T: Thank you very much you have done the work very well. And now imagine that you have bought your tickets and now let’s pack your things. What are you going to take with you? Begin your answer like this ? I am going to take….
      P1: I am going to take a camera, a swimming costume , sunglasses, money with me.
        P2: I am going to take a passport, a vocabulary and money.
        P3: I am going to take a camera , jeans, T- shirts, a tent, a tennis rocket, matches.
T: Children , please, look at the map. Write the letter from the map that shows the correct location of each item listened below.
_ Ukraine
_  Antartica
_ Great Britain
_  Italy
_  Australia
_  France
_ The USA
_  Russia
_ Egupt
T: Please, let’s repeat the degree of comparison ( adjectives) and complete the table.


             the biggest




3. Заключна частина уроку.
T: Thank you very much, you work very hard today. I like your answering very much. Your marks are….. I see you are experienced travelers and you know how to travel and you can help the beginners. Your homework is to do ex 1 on p. 57. So our lesson is going to the end, I can only add that one of the most important thing you must take with you when you go on a trip is your good spirit and smile.

ТЕМА :  З  історії  святкування Нового року.

Мета: Повторити й активізувати лексику теми.
            Ознайомити учнів з деякими історичними фактами святкування  Нового року  в різні часи та в різних  країнах.
            Ознайомити учнів зі взірцями англійського фольклору.
            Продовжувати формувати навички аудіювання.
            Розвивати вміння діалогічного мовлення.
            Удосконалювати техніку читання. Сприяти розвиткові  памяті.
           Виховувати інтерес  до минулого і повагу до культурних традицій  свого та інших народів.
Обладнання:  Підручник 6 клас ( О. Карпюк ) , аудіо запис тексту про перший день року, аудіо запис пісні Gingle  Bells”.
                          ХІД УРОКУ
      1. Greeting
      2. Aim
T: During our lesson today you’ll  know some interesting facts about celebrating  New  Year in  different times and in different  countries . You’ll  know about some facts of the most  mysterious place in Great Britain and at the end of our lesson  we’ll  learn an old English  Christmas song.
     3. Warming up
 1) Describing the weather
 2)  Poem “ Twelve months “.
T: Today we are going to have a magic trip. We are going to visit all seasons of the year. We  shall review the poem “ Twelve months” with the help of a fairy- tale. Do you remember the fairy- tale?  You are 12 months…… you are a stepdaughter and I am a narrator.
Narrator: Once upon the time in a faraway land  there lived  a queen . On New Year’s  Eve she wished a basket of snowdrops. She will give a basket of gold for a basket of snowdrops.
In the kingdom there lived a woman with two daughters. One of them was her own daughter.
The other was her stepdaughter and she didn’t love her. At night stepmother sent her to the forest to bring the basket full of snowdrops. And she went to the forest she saw some people around the fire.
T: So ,children, please continue the fairy-tale.
Stepdaughter: Good evening!
Months: Good evening!
January: What are you doing here at night?
Stepdaughter: My mother sent me to pick snowdrops.
January  brings the snow , makes our feet and fingers glow.
February snows again and sometimes it brings us rain.
March brings sunny days and winds , so we know that spring begins.
April brings the primrose sweet , we see daisies at our feet. Hurry up! Hurry up! Pick the flowers.
Stepdaughter: Thank you very much.
May brings flowers , joy and grass and the holidays for us.
June brings tulips, lilies, roses fills the children’s hands with posies.
Hot  July brings apples and cherries  and a lot of other berries.
August brings us golden corn then the harvest home is born.
Warm September brings us school, days are shorter , nights are cool.
Fresh October brings much fruit , then together them is good.
Red November brings us joy, fun for every girl and boy.
Cold December  brings us skating , for the New Year we are waiting.
  Основна частина уроку 
 Check on the homework.
T: Thank you very much you have done the work very nice. And now let’s check on the homework. What was your hometask?
P: Our hometask was to write an exercise 1 on page 40 and to make up short dialogues about winter.
                                      Listening comprehension
T: Now , children , I want you to listen to the recording of the text about the history of the first day of the year. First of all repeat the pronunciation of unknown words and the meaning of the words in order to understand the text.
                                                Text for listening
    The first day of winter for Ancient  Greeks  was December  21 or twenty-second. The Romans began the year on March the  first  then changed the calendar to January  the first. In  France in ancient  times the king made  Easter the first  Day of the year. Even today people celebrate the first  Day of the year on different  days. The Jewish New Year is between September the fifth and October the fifth. In Iran the New Year begins on March  the twenty-first. The Chinese living outside China   celebrate the old Chinese  New Year between the January  twenty- first and February the nineteenth.Long ago the only calendar people had was the Moon, the Sun , the stars and the seasons.The calendar we used today isn’t the only  kind of calendar. Do you know about the Chinese calendar for example? It divides the years into groups of twelve. Each year has got a name of an animal.
1.     Match and speak  about the beginning  of the  year.
2.     Answer the questions.
1)    Ancient  Greeks                       a) Easter
2)    Ancient  Romans                     b) between January 21 and February  19
3)    A French king                           c) December  21 or 22
4)    Jewish New Year                      d) March 21
5)    Iranian  New Year                     e) between September 5 and October 5
6)    The Chinese New Year             f) March 21
What is this text about?
When was the first day of winter for  Ancient Greeks?
When did the Romans begin the year?
What holiday  did the king of France make the first day of the year?
When is the Jewish New Year?
When does the New Year begin in Iran?
When do the Chinese  celebrate New Year?
What calendar did people have long ago?
T: Let’s play a game. Look at the list of words and word- combinations. They belong to different seasons: Winter and Spring. But  I’ve mixed them up . Your task is to divide them into two groups: “ Winter “ and “Spring”. There are two teams: “Snowballs “ and “Snowflakes”.
T: What do you see in the picture on page 69? Can you read the name of this place?
Have you ever heard about this place? What do you know about it?
Let’s read about the most mysterious place in  Great Britain and answer the questions.
When is the longest day of the year?  What is Stonehenge? How old is Stonehenge?
What was Stonehenge? What is an old custom that is still living at Stonehenge?
Match  the part of the proverb from the left with the one from the right to form the complete proverb.
1)    After rain comes                                    a) in England we have weather
2)    Everything is good                                 b) carry  an umbrella.
3)    In winter the sun is like a stepmother  c)  fair weather.
4)    Other countries have climate                  d) there are bad clothes.
5)    April showers bring                                    e) in its season.
6)    When the sky is clear                                 f) it shines , but doesn’t warm.
7)    There is no bad weather                           g) May flowers.
T: Children in English – speaking countries sing this song at Christmas Eve . This song is translated into many languages and one of them is our native language, our mother tongue. Now sing this song in English.
3.  Заключна частина уроку.
T: today you have known a lot of interesting facts  about celebrating New Year. Did you like the song “Gingle Bells”.Do you know other songs or poems about the New Year.

ТЕМА :  Мої улюблені справи. (5 клас)

Мета:проконтролювати навички вживання граматичної структури Future Indefinite в писемному і усному мовленні ; вдосконалювати навички читання і навички роботи в групах ; розвивати в учнів спостережливість та сприяти розвитку самостійного  мислення , а також розвивати пізнавальний інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.

Обладнання: підручник, зошит, словник, малюнки.

Очікувані результати: учні будуть вміти вживати Future Indefinite  в усному і писемному мовленні;  знатимуть різні професії; вивчать як створюється газета і хто її робить , а також інсценізують казку.

Тип уроку: урок систематизації та узагальнення навчального матеріалу.

                                           Хід уроку

1.Організація класу. Привітання.

T: Good morning, children ! How are you! Who is on dute today? Who is absent?

2.Підготовка до іншомовного мовлення.

T: Answer the questions .

What day is it today ? What month is it now? What season is it now ? What is the weather like today? Is the sun shining today? Is the wind blowing today ?  is it raining today ? Is it snowing today ?

Now , look at this picture and say what season can you see on this picture ? What can you see on this picture else?

Мовленнєва зарядка.

Poem ‘ Wishes “

                   I  want to be a worker

                   On a big modern plant

                    And make machines and lorries

                    For our Motherland

                    I want to be a doctor

                   To keep the children strong

                   And make their parents happy

                   And let them all live long

TPsP1 –P2 – P3…..

3.Основна частина уроку.

Лексична робота.

T: Boys and girls ! We have plenty of things to do ! Let’s review the words . All professions are important . What professions do you know ?

P1 : a teacher

P2: a secretary

P3: a reporter

Ps : a footballer , a nurce , a correspondent , a builder , a driver.

T: You are 10 years now. What will you be like in 18 years from now? What will you be ? What will you have?

P1 : I shall be a teacher .

P2 : I shall have a car.

P3 : I shall be a footballer.

P4: I shall have a horse.
T: Stand up , please. Listen , repeat and do the exercises.
Hands up! Сlap ! Clap ! Clap !
Hands down ! Shake ! Shake ! Shake!
Hands forward! Clap ! Clap! Clap!
Hands down! Shake! Shake! Shake!
Hands on hips! Jump! Jump! Jump!
Hop! Hop! Hop! Stop!
Усне мовлення
T: Children say who makes newspapers and who helps to make a newspaper?
P1: A reporter
P2: A secretary
P3: A news editor, a correspondent
P4: A compositor, a driver.
T: What does the reporter do ?
P1: A reporter interviews people.
T: What does the driver do ?
P2: A driver  delivers  newspapers to shops.
T: What does the correspondent do?
P3: A correspondent send stories through the phone and e- mail.
T: What does the secretary do?
P4: A secretary types the messages.
T: What does the compositor do ?
P5: A compositor makes the newspaper pages.
T: What does the news editor do?
P6: The news editor chooses the best stories.
T: Now , look at the blackboard and solve the newspaper crossword ( orally )
A person who interviews people .
A person who sends stories through the phone and e-mail.
Newspaper office gets many of these things every day.
A person who chooses the best stories and writes articles.
A person needs a lot of it.
A person who makes a newspaper pages.
A person who delivers newspapers to the shops.
T: Complete the sentences with shall and will.
1)    What ----- you buy tomorrow in the shop ?
2)    I_____ buy a box of sweets.
3)    ____ you invite Bill to your birthday party ?
4)    Yes, I____.
5)    Nina _____ not come to school tomorrow . She is ill.
6)    Where _____ we go next summer?
7)    We_____ not go to London , we___ go to Lviv.
8)    When____ will your father come?
9)    He ____ come at 5 o”clock.
Перевірка домашнього завдання.
T: Your hometask was to tell the story and get ready for the show
                           The cast
Teller     Mouse   Cat  Cow  Farmer  Butcher
     The mouse and it”s  tail
Teller: A cat caught a mouse and bit off his tail.
Mouse: Please give me my tail.
Cat: First go to the cow and get me some milk. Bring me the milk and I shall give you your tail.
Teller: The mouse went to the cow.
Mouse: Please give me some milk.
Cow: Go to the farmer and get me some grass and I shall give you some milk.
Teller: The mouse went to the farmer.
Mouse: Please give me some grass.
Farmer: Go to the butcher  and get me some meat and I shall give you some grass.
Teller: The mouse went to the butcher .
Mouse: Please give me some meat.
Butcher : Go to the kitchen and get me a big knife. Then I shall give you some meat.
Усне мовлення. Робота в парах.
T: The English language club will start its meeting at school next week.  Ask questions about it. Use the phrases from the given cards.
-         Choose the days of the weeks.
-         Communicate with children from foreing countries.
-         Meet English people.
-         To act out plays in English.
-         To do an interesting project work.
-         Use the internet.
-         Send e-mail letters.
-         Make a plan for a month.
-         Make a newspaper in English.
-         Make articles.
T: Make up dialogues.  What will you do in the future?
4. Заключна частина уроку.
1. Домашнє завдання. Be ready for the test.
2.Підведення підсумків уроку.

ТЕМА :  "У помешканні" (4 клас)

Мета: навчити учнів описувати свій дім /квартиру з опорою на текст-зразок, використовуючи прийменники місця й конструкцію there is/there are; розвивати вміння спілкуватися, аналізувати, думати, висловлювати свою точку зору; розширити уявлення учнів про помешкання англійців.

Обладнання: підручник, зошит, словник, картки.
Teacher: I'm glad to greet you in a cheerful and merry mood.
Nice to meet everyone at our lesson .Today we are going to speak about our house. We'll speak about things in the house ,using prepositions of place .Also we'll recollect words.
.Who is on duty today?
.Who is absent?
.What day is it today?
.What day is it now?
.What month is it now?
.What season is it now?
.What is the weather like today?
.Is the sun shining?
.Is the wind blowing today?
.Is it raining?
.What colour is the sky?
.What colour are the leaves?
.Is it snowing?
2.Phonetic drills.Listen and repeat.
[s]                       [z]                          [iz]
lives                                             ˅
walks                ˅
goes                 ˅
writes               ˅
washes                                                                       ˅
watches                                                                      ˅

A poem "Home"

Home is the nicest place to be                    Oh, no place could ever
With father and mother                               Be nicer than that.
And babe and me
With Skipper – our dog
And Smokie – our cat
III.Checking the homework
Teacher:Your home task was to complete Paula's letter to her friend telling her about new flat,using the words from the table:

      Dear Vicky,
I am in my new flat,at last!It's on the third floor.The flat is.............. .It's got three ............ ,a................., a ..................., a...................., a bathroom and a living room.My favourite room is my bedroom,because it is very pretty.It's got blue ................ on the floor and a large ................. .My comfortable bed is right next to the .................... .There is a small table in the room with a telephone and a ..................... on it.I've got a big ............... , a wardrobe, a TV and a CD player in my bedroom.I've got a ..................... on the wall.There are some .................. on it.Well,that's all for now.Come and see my new flat soon!
IV.The main part
Teacher:At today's lesson we'll recollect the words about house,flat. So,look at the pictures and named the room.What room is it?
 Pupil¹:This is the living room
 Pupil²:This is a dining room
 Pupil³:This is a bedroom
:This is a bathroom
:This is a kid's room
:This is a kitchen
   a)Teacher:Dear children,let's remember as many words as you can on the topic "House.Flat"

room                                  window-sill                      computer
table                                   sofa                                 TV-set
vase                                    wardrobe                         CD-player
mirror                                 chest of drawers              toys
carpet                                 bed                                  curtains
chair                                   lamp                                 flowers
armchair                            clock

   b)Teacher:Look at the pictures and make up sentences using the structure there is/there are.
    Teacher:What is there in the room?
    Teacher:What room is it?
 Pupil¹:This is a kids room
 Pupil²:There is a double bed in the room
 Pupil³:There is a picture
3.Let's relax,do exercices:

                                     Hands up! Hands down!
                                     Hands on hips,sit down
                                     Stand up!Hands to the sides
                                     Bend left,bend right
                                     Hands on hips-one,two,three hop
                                     One,two,three stop.Stand still.

Teacher:Thank you very much sit down.And now let's revise the prepositions of place and use them in your own sentences:
in the middle of
in the corner
next to
in the left corner
in the right corner
Pupil¹:There is a table between the armchairs
Pupil²:There is a vase in the middle of the table
Pupil³:There are six chairs around the table
:There is a TV-set in the corner of the room

Teacher:Children,now, we are going to read a text about Browns flat.It is exercise 2 on page 37.
   1.Етап підготовки до читання
   а)Усна бесіда з учнями
Teacher:Do you live in a house or in the flat?
Pupil¹:I live in a house
Teacher:How many rooms are there?
Pupil²:There are four
Teacher:What are they?
Pupil³:They are: a living room,a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom.
   б)Подання лексичного матеріалу тексту
Teacher:Look at the words on the blackboard and tell which of these things you have in your room.
Pupil¹:I have a bed,a table,a lamp,a mirror.
Pupil²:But I have a desk.a computer,plants.

   2.Етап читання.

   3.Етап перевірки розуміння змісту тексту.

Teacher:Dear children,look through  the text once more and write down things for each of the rooms in the following table in your copybooks.
The Browns Flat
Parents room
Kate's room
Bill and Tom's room
pink curtains

VII.Dialogic speech
Teacher:Children,listen to me.Iknow that everybody have a room.Am I right?
 Pupil:Yes,you are right Galuna Oleksandrivna.
Teacher:So,make up a short dialogues about your room.Think a little bit.
 P¹:Is there a table in your room?
 P²:Yes,there is.
 P¹:Is there a bed in your room too?
²:Yes,there is.
¹:Is there a TV in the corner of the room?
²:No,there is not.
VIII.Memory Game
Teacher:Work in two teams.Look at the picture of the house for one minute,then say what there is in each room,Each correct answer gets one point.The team with more points is the winner.

IX.Home assignment
Teacher:Діти,намалюйте свою кімнату і складіть речення про предмети,які там розташовані.

X.Summing up
Teacher:In conclusion,I'd like to thank you for your work at the lesson.Your marks are ................. .I really appriciate your work during the lesson.I wish you good luck.Iwould like to finish the lesson with the poem:

"My sweet home"
Home is the nicest place to be
With father and mother,
And brother and me.
With grandpa and granny
And a sister and a cat
Oh,no place can be nicer than that!

ТЕМА :  "Подорож. Лондон та його визначні місця"


    1) активізувати та закріпити вживання лексичних одиниць в
         усному мовленні учнів;
2) поглибити знання учнів про визначні місця Лондона;
3) навчати діалогічного та монологічного мовлення за темою;
4) практикувати у вмінні аудіювати тексти, ігноруючи незнайомі слова;
5) практикувати учнів у вживанні конструкцій asas / not asas для
    порівняння прикметників в усному та писемному мовленні.
1) розвивати вміння порівнювати предмети та явища;
2) розвивати готовність учнів до участі в іншомовному спілкуванні, до
     подальшої самоосвіти в оволодінні іноземною мовою;
3) розвивати творчу увагу.
1)    виховувати почуття поваги до памяток культури й потребу впізнанні світової культури;
2) виховувати культуру спілкування і колективної співпраці;
3) виховувати доброзичливість, толерантність, активність,
ОБЛАДНАННЯ: підручники, зошити, словники, презентації, картки,
 ноутбук, картки для розуміння тексту аудіювання, малюнки з
визначними місцями Лондона.

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.
Ø Привітання і повідомлення теми та мети уроку.
T: Good morning, pupils. I’m glad to see you here. I am sure you are ready for active work. Our topic today is “Travelling about London. London’s sights”. Besides we’ll revise grammar materials: the past simple tense and comparison constructions with “as…as”, “not as…as”. By the end of the lesson you should learn more about London’s places of interests, their history and features.
Ps: Good morning, teacher. We are glad to see you too.
T: And the motto of our lesson today:
The more you live,
The more you travel,
The more you travel,
The more you see,
The more you see,
The more you learn.
Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу (учні співають пісню)
“London Bridge”
London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down
London Bridge is falling down, my Fair Lady.
Build  it up with wood and clay, wood and clay, wood and clay
Build it up with wood and clay, my Fair Lady.
Wood and clay will wash away, wash away, wash away
Wood and clay will wash away, my Fair Lady.
Build it up with iron and steel, iron and steel, iron and steel
Build it up with iron and steel, my Fair Lady.
Iron and steel will bend and bow, bend and bow, bend and bow
Iron and steel will bend and bow, my Fair Lady.
It would stand fore ever more, fore ever more, fore ever more
It would stand fore ever more, my Fair Lady.
London Bridge is standing up, standing up, standing up
London Bridge is standing up, my Fair Lady.
ІІ. Основна частина уроку
Ø Practice topic words.
A)   Unscramble the words:
Rapk, Beyba, EdralcathWerto, Trome, Aresqu, Mlunco, Ribdge, Seumum
v Check yourselves:
Park, Abbey, Cathedral, Tower, Square, Column, Bridge, Museum
               Match the parts of the words combinations:
1. Trafalgar                                    a) Palace
2. Buckingham                               b) Bridge
3. St. Paul’s                                     c) Park
4. Nelson’s                                       d) Theatre
5. the Globe                                      e) Cathedral
6. Tower                                            f) Square
7. Madame Tussauds                       g) Museum 
8. Regent’s                                          h) Column
v Check yourselves:
1.     Trafalgar Square                           5. The Globe Theatre
2.     Buckingham Palace                      6. Tower Bridge
3.     St. Paul’s Cathedral                      7. Madame Tussauds Museum
4.     Nelson’s Column                          8. Regent’s Park
Ø Reading.  
Pre-reading task.
1.     Put the words into the correct order to make up sentences:
-         A royal palace/ the Tower of London/ a prison/ served/ a fortress/ as/and/ in the past.
-         In /many/ the / London/ kings/ of/ lived/Tower.
-         Is/ today/ a/ museum/ the/London/ wonderful/ Tower/ of.
-         Masters/ care/ of/ ravens/ the/ Raven/ takes/black.
-         The /Crown/ to/ ravens/ without/ according/ the/will/ in/ legend/fall/it.
-             Check yourselves:
-         In the past the Tower of London served as a royal palace, a fortress and a prison.
-         Many kings lived in the Tower of London.
-         Today the Tower of London is a wonderful museum.
-         The Raven Master takes care of the black ravens.
-         According to the legend the Crown will fall without ravens in it.
2.     Complete the text using the words given below:
Was, stay, stands,can, lived,gives
For a long time The Tower of London ___ a fortress, a prison, and a palace. Many queens and kings ___there. In the Tower you ____ see the famous
Beefeaters and ravens. The legend says: ”Only so long as the ravens_____,
 will the White Tower ___”. The raven master is a person who ______them
Reading(ex.2 p.128)
The Tower of London.
      In the past the Tower of London served as a royal palace, a fortress and a prison.Today it is a wonderful museum.  Black ravens meet tourists there. They have lived here for centuries.  The Raven Master takes care of the ravens. He gives them meat in the morning and in the evening. The old legend says that if the ravens are lost or fly away, the Crown will fall  and Britain with it. You can also see “Beefeaters” in the traditional Tudor uniforms in the Tower of London. They usually tell the visitors a lot of interesting things about the Tower of London.
Post-reading task:
1.     Order the sentences according to the text:(ex.3 p. 128)
… You can also see “Beefeaters” in the traditional Tudor uniforms in the Tower of London.
           ... Many kings lived in the Tower of London.
            … The Raven Master takes care of the black ravens.
             … Today the Tower of London is a wonderful museum.
2.     Complete the missing parts of the sentences: (ex.4 p.129)
1.     … gives the black ravens meat in the morning and in the evening.
2.     According to the legend … will fall without ravens in it.
3.     Today the Tower of London is a wonderful….
4.     … lived in the Tower of London.
Ø Grammar. Comparisons with as…as/ not as…as: (p.129)
1.     Oral practice:(ex.5 p.129) Work in pairs. Look at the photos and talk about them.
Example: Westminster Abbey is as popular among the tourists as St. Paul’s Cathedral. 

St. Paul’s Cathedral
Westminster Abbey
2.     Writing. Write the sentences as in the example. Use as… as or not as …as (ex.6 p.129)

Examples: The Houses of Parliament is beautiful. Buckingham Palace is beautiful too. – The Houses of Parliament is as beautiful as Buckingham Palace.
1.     St. Paul’s Cathedral is old. Westminster Abbey is older than St. Paul’s Cathedral.
2.     Trafalgar Square is famous. Parliament Square is famous, too.
3.     Oxford is beautiful. London is more beautiful.
4.     Whitehall is crowded. Oxford Street is more crowded.
5.     London is busy city. Kyiv is busy, too.
Ø  Physical Training.
Let’s sing song “The Wheels on the Bus go round and round” and do some exercises.
Ø Listening.  The London Eye.
Pre-listening task.
1.     Word bank
observation wheel
колесо огляду
to be located
бути розташований
to pass through
пройти через
просторий, всеосяжний
2.     Match the pairs:
пройти через
observation wheel
to be located
просторий, всеосяжний
колесо огляду
to pass through
бути розташований
London Eye
     The London Eye is a giant observation wheel located in the Jubilee Gardens on the South Bank of the river Thames. It is Modern but already a very popular tourist attraction.  The London Eye is 135 metres high, which makes it the world’s tallest observation wheel. It has 32 capsules and carries about 10 000 visitors every day. It is visited by over 4 million people a year. While travelling in complete safety you can see up to 40 kilometres away in all directions from each capsule. Many famous landmarks are clearly visible, including Buckingham Palace, St. Paul’s Cathedral and the Houses of Parliament. In 2009, a 4D Film Experience was added as a free extra to enjoy before your ride on the Eye. About 160 visitors pass through the 4D cinema every 8 minutes so don’t worry about waiting as the cinema is more spacious than it first seems.
Post listening task.
Mark the following statements “true” or “false”:
1.     The London Eye is an observation wheel.
2.     The London Eye is located in Canada.
3.     It is the tallest observation wheel in the world.
4.     From the text we know how many visitors come to London Eye every year.
5.     At present you can enjoy a 7D movie just before your ride on the Eye.
 Keys: 1. – True; 2 – False: 3 – True: 4 – False; 5 – False.
Ø Check your homework (Project Work)

Slide 1Big Ben is a great attraction of tourists. They want to see the clock in its tower and to hear the bells. Big Ben is really a bell. You can hear it every hour.
Slide 2. Westminster Abbey is the most famous church in England. It was built by King Edward in 1065. The coronation of all British Kings and Queens took place in it. Some famous English people were also buried here.

Slide 3. You can see the Tower of London from the river Thames. The tower is very old. It has a long and cruel history. The Tower was King’s palace, prison, zoo. Now it is a museum, where one can see treasure of British monarchy.
Slide 4. Buckingham Palace is the place where British Queen Elizabeth II lives. When the Queen is at home we can see the flag above the palace.

Slide 5. Trafalgar Square is the center of London. In the center of square we can see Nelson’s Column in honor of Admiral Nelson, who defeated Napoleon fleet in 1805. There are four bronze lions around the column.
Slide6. The Tube is the1st ever Underground railway system in the world. It opened more than 100 years ago. It has 300 underground stations and it is about 300 km. long. The Tube is used by hundreds of people who travel from the uptown into the central London every day.

Slide 7. The Houses of Parliament.
The members of the British Parliament work in this building. Inside this beautiful building there is the House of Common and the House of Lords.

Ø    Team work. Гра “Guess what sights is it?”
Учні поділяються на 4 команди. Кожна команда отримує картки з описом одного з видатних місць Лондона. Команди опрацьовують свій текст. Перемагає та команда, яка перша дала вірну відповідь.
Тексти для команд.
1.     This charming cathedral was built by Sir Christopher Wren after the Great Fire of London. (St. Paul’s Cathedral)
2.     This museum has a collection of mummies, tomb, paintings and gold jewellery from Ancient Egypt. (The British Museum)
3.     It has a large collection of birds and animals from all over the world. (London Zoo)
4.     There you’ll see realistic, life-size wax figures of famous people. (Madame Tussauds Museum)

ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку
Ø Quiz. (Рефлексія):
1. Big Ben is …
a) a radio tone;
b) a famous clock;
c) a famous church.
2. Buckingham Palace is…
a) a home of Royal Family;
b) a place of interest;
c) a fine cathedral.
3. Westminster Abbey is a large…
a) cathedral;
b) palace;
c) church.
           4. The Tower of London was…
a) a prison, a church and a cathedral;
b) a fortress, a prison, a palace;
c) a tower, a prison and a palace.
          5. Ravens must live in…
a) Westminster Abbey;
b)The Tower of London;
c) Tower Bridge.
6. London stands on the river …
a) Dnipro;
b) Severn;
c) Thames.
7. The Great fire of London was in…
a) 1666;
b) 1777;
c) 1888.
8. The name of architect who built St. Paul’s Cathedral is …
a) Sir Charles Barry;
b) Sir Christopher Wren;
c) Northmore Pugin
9. Which of these places is NOT in London?
a) The Tower;
b) Nelson’s Column;
c) Colosseum.
10. The oldest building in London is…
a) The Houses of Parliament;
b) The Tower of London;
c) The British Museum.
Keys: 1- b; 2- a; 3 – c; 4 – b; 5 – b; 6 – c; 7 – a; 8 – b; 9 – c; 10 – b.

Ø Teacher sums up:
Dear friends! Our lesson is coming to an end. It’s time to say good-bye. We’ve done much at our lesson. We read, listened to the text, did exercises to the text, you sang songs and presented your projects/. You were great! You all get good and excellent marks. So your marks are…
Ø Homework: Your home task for the next lesson is to speak about one of the places of interests in London.

Конспект уроку на тему "Вільний час. Захоплення” (7клас)

Objectives: to revise active vocabulary on the topic to develope communicative competence and social competence.
Equipment: spidergram, a book, a copy-book, a vocabulary.
Teacher:Good morning!Glad to see you.I think you will try your best and succeed.I hope you will like todays lesson,because we'll speak  about interesting and useful things – leisure time activities!By the way,what is the time?
Pupil:Such a fascinating time that belongs only to you and you are the only master of it.We are free to spend this time the way we like and enjoy it. 
T:Well,I asked you to make the list of ways teenagers spend their holidays.Today I want you to share your ideas for our new project work.Let's discuss your ideas and put them down on the blackboard as a spidergram.

Leisure time                              Reading books                Television
Who wants to be the first?
Sport activities                 Going to disco    Playing computer games

P:Shall I start?
My idea is reading books.I find it the most interesting.I believe reading books will help me to become the top student in my  class,so most of the books I read are classics.I spend hours reading books.Am I the only person in the world who loves reading?
T:I hope you are not alone,thank you and go to the blackboard and put your idea.The next one,who wants?
P:Frankly speaking I find reading books boring,because I hate reading.The worst thing about school is that I have to read so much time.I spend all of my free time watching my favourite TV programmes and films.So,my idea is television.
P:TV? Well,too many advirtisements to enjoy any programme even the favourite film.The advirtisements just make one sick and tired.Many watch TV only in case they have nothing more to do.As for me I think sport activities are the best idea.
P:As far as I know
 sport activities are said to be useful and seem to be in fashion.But to tell the truth,they don't make one happy and enthusiastic.If you are a very active person you can go to a disco.
P:I disagree.Going to the disco is rather silly,to tell the truth.Night clubs despite their popularity are not a brilliant idea either,that's my personal opinion – to spend your free time.First,you cannot get in free and not all parents are eager to sponsor it,at least,not to often,I guess.Second,you cannot spend every night – they are really night clubs – at disco – theques as you have to attend school and that is rather difficult after sleepless night,isn't it?Missing lessons is not a popular thing either with the parents or with the teachers,I suppose.
P:To my mind,the best solution to spend your free time is a computer.If you have a computer,your problems with your leisure time are solved.
P:But well,spending your free time at a computer you would never notice the time pass and you would have no time for anything else.You wouldn't get enough sllep,you would never have time to get well prepared for your classes.And to live virtual life – that is impossible and may be rather dull.
T:So, I see leisure activities differ like tastes.But it seems to me,the main problem is that young people cannot plan their leisure time.They don't know how to do it.And if they did,they would find time for everything at least for everything that interests them.So,you have just suggested your ideas.But can you tell me definitely what the most popular activities for boys and for girls are?
P:Yes,we can.The most popular activities for boys are:
-        collecting stamps,coins;
riding a bike;
playing football,volleyball,basketball;
-        listening to music;
-        windserfing;
-        playing the guitar,playing the computer games.
T:Can you say what are the most popular activities for girls?
P:The most popular activities for girls are:
-        embroaidery;cooking;baking;
-        beading;dancing;listening to music,watching TV,go in for figure-skating,skiing,swimming,growing flowers.
T:Thank you very much.So,I see that teenagers spend their free time in different ways.Also I can say that different people like different things and have different hobbies.Do you agree with me?
P:Yes,we agree.
    T:Dear friends,I want you to listen to the text about hobby.I think this text will be very interesting for you.
What is a hobby?It is what you can and like doing when you have free time.We choose a hobby according to our characters and tastes.When we have a hobby,our life becomes more interesting.Very often our hobbies help us find friends,choose our profession because we learn a lot of new things.
Many boys and girls in our country have different hobbies.They are interested in sports.Almost every young person like music and communications.Ukrainian teenagers gather in small or large  companies usualy called "tusovka" and go for a walk together,discuss different things,especially personal relations.They like to organize parties and celebrate holidays or birthdays.Many young people understand that their better future depends on good education.So they attend additional classes,do some extra activities that can help to train or educate them in something.
A great part in the development and education of any person belongs to art.Visiting theatre,cinema,music concerts is among the most popular hobbies in our country.Television takes a lot of free time too.It can be both usefull and harmful.
Teenagers are different in their tastes,style of life and views.And these points make them more interesting.
T:Find 10 words dealing with different leisure activities and hobbies.One and the same letter can be used twice.

T:As you can see teenagers and grown-ups spend their free time in different ways.So,and what about your parents leisure time?Have you ever thought how they enjoyed it when they were teenagers?
Class:No,we don't know.
P:It's interesting to find out!
T:Well,we have two problems.What are they?
P:The most popular activities for teenagers.
P:The most popular activities for parents.
T:Ok,we have to divide the class into two teeams accordingly to our probems.Before forming the basic of your project you have to make up a plan.What will be the first point of the plan?
P:We have to choose a good idea.
P:Then we have to make up a plan.
P:I think it is necessary to collect the information.
P:Certanly we have to analyze the possible results of our work.
P:We have to present our project.
P:At last we have to evaluate the results of our project.
T:Look at our plan and tell me what we have already done.
P:We have chosen a good idea.
P:We have made up a plan.
T:You are right.So,for the next lesson you should be ready with your collected information.What time is it?
Only 5 minutes left to the end of the lesson.Then imagine that it is your dream day.What do you want to do?Number the sentences in order of your prefence.Explain why do you want to do it.
P:I want to see the pyramids in Egypt.
P:I want to drive a BMW.
P:I want to relax on a Caribbean beach.
P:I want to meet my favourite filmstar.
P:I want to win an Olympic medal.
P:I want to go back in time and see the dinosaurs.
P:I want to see the queen of England.
Betten than all of these would be.........
T:Thank you very much.The lesson is over.Good-bye!

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